Embodied VR designs and fabricates teaching tools for medical education and community programs.
In Progress (2022)
1st person procedural training modules for invasive bedside procedures
with Dr. Adam M. Garber, Associate Professor in Clinical Medicine, VCU and Dr. Pete Meliagros, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, Associate Program Director of Procedural Education, VCU
Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
Embodied VR Geriatric Experience
with Dr. John Nestler, VCU Internal Medicine
In Progress (2021-22)
EVR Dance therapy for the treatment of chronic pain
with Dr. Trost, Virginia Commonwealth University and Dr.Shim, Drexel University
In Progress
Addiction Recovery, Counseling & Embodied Empathy
with Dr. Courtney M. Holmes, Department of Rehabilitation Counseling
Fall 2018 - 2019
ALS & Embodied Empathy Project
with Dr. Kathleen Pearson, VCU Neurology and Dr. Scott Vota, Bon Secours